go back to desk
Why Are Young People Pretending to Love Work?
We need to move on from self-care to something that cannot be captured by capitalism
Fictioning Comfort
Work A Little, Play A Lot: The Antidote to Hustle Culture
The Office of Alina Lupu
Kantoorescapisme: Gothrecht
What is the Precariat
How Terry likes his Coffee
Tentoonstelling Lithium
The Entreprecariat
A selection of the pile of research information and inspiration found on the internet. Either found by myself, or recommended by others.
A messy desk encourages a creative mind, study finds
A Messy Desk Is a Sign of Genius, According to Science
Productivity and Ergonomics: The Best Way to Organize Your Desk
The impact of the ‘open’ workspace on human collaboration
Met zijn allen in een open kantoortuin
werken wordt het nieuwe normaal, maar er
is nogal wat op aan te merken
Dogville, Lars von Trier
De Directiekamer
Inside the Illegal Street Races of Your City's Bike Couriers
The Aesthetics of Productive Anxiety: Silvio Lorusso and the Entreprecariat
De toekomst van ons werk? Die draait niet om technologie, leert dit bedrijf